A great week with the Sperro Mission Team!

The Sperro Group had a busy week, they helped with the construction of the new Clinic/Admin building, helped painting the new Rehab Center and the girls' Dorm, and spent some quality time with the children and teens from our homes, their time shared in our campus was a great experience not only for them but to our children, Thank You to each member of the Sperro Mission Team!

Mend a Child's mission trip


Our campus was blessed by a mission team from the Mend a Child Foundation lead by Dr. Tom and Calle Wieg last week. During their visit they constructed a sidewalk from the Children's Home to the Chapel & main kitchen. This special proyect was made to facilitate the mobility of Jenny - who uses a leg braces and a walker, and Lily - who uses a wheel chair to get around. The team also worked on the Admin/Temp Clinic building by pouring concrete for an external sidewalk and the bathrooms for the outclinic patients. It was a great experience for the children to have this group of old friends and "extended family" visiting  our Home again.

Mel's Dream Team


The Mel's Dream Team, from Alberta, Canada, along with our friends Jeff Neddles and John Beldon, are working in the final touches for the new Hospital. They are installing the ceiling in this building. Mel's dream was to come to PAHS in 2008 but due to a fatal accident he was unable to see his vision realized. Friends, family and colleagues have come to PAHS in 2009, 2011 and 2014 to make his dream of service come true. Mel's Dream Team wish to express their dedication and committment to serving the needs of the children at PAHS.

A new school for our neighbors


The dream of a new school became a reality for more than one hundred little ones who have been meeting in a temporary lean-to for several years in the near-by communities of Las Palmas and La Torre.  Pan American Health Service donated a lovely hill-top site for an architect with Schools for the Children of the World of Mears, MI,  to coordinate and assist the efforts of the children’s parents, the Yibrin family and our local municipality of Santa Cruz to build the three-room school.  Construction began in February with the students and their families providing the unskilled labor.  Working together, the school was finished and inaugurated on July 12, 2013.

Medical and Construction Team from Oklahoma

Dear friends from the Crossings Community Church, in Oklahoma, USA came to our campus to give of their construction and medical talents to the community. Working together with Heart for Honduras, they hosted a medical clinic on our campus for a day and then went out to different communities nearby during the week. Their construction team worked on the building that will house our Nutritional Rehabilitation Center soon. Our deep gratitude goes out to the team for their great help in furthering our mission to bring health care to our communities!

Maranatha Mission Group from Paradise, CA

We have been blessed this year to have the visits of many groups affiliated with Maranatha Missions who were visiting our local Academy and chose to help continue the construction of the building that will be our Nutritional Rehabilitation Center, a building that is greatly needed. This was the case when our brothers and sisters from the Paradise Adventist Church spent two weeks helping us advance this special building project – a wonderful answer to prayer. Additionally they hosted medical clinics around the Lake Yojoa area and saw approximately 500 patients. We are so grateful for their love and support!

Fountainview Academy

This year’s graduation class of Fountain View Academy in Canada chose to come to our community for their Senior Class trip. While here the Seniors chose a variety of projects to benefit our campus. They took turns over the span of 10 days to help in the daily caretaking of the little patients in the Casita Feliz. Others organized a Music Camp for the children and teens from our Homes. Our children were thrilled to be learning music in this fun and entertaining way. Some in the group dedicated their time to furthering the construction of the new building that will house our Nutritional Rehab Center. We are deeply grateful for all of the contributions that these young people made to our campus life.

Rocky Mountain Conference of SDA Mission Team


The Rocky Mountain Conference organized a mission team; many of them were students and faculty of Campion Academy in Colorado. Several of the large team had been here before. Their main projects were the reconstruction of the Children’s Nutritional Rehabilitation Hospital and a new Multi-Purpose Building. The great effort expended by the members of this team can now be appreciated in the progress made in these two projects.  The team was led by Youth Director, Benjie Maxson, with the support of Nate Marin. We hope that this hardworking team will return soon. Thank you to each one for your hard work!

Oakhurst SDA Church Group and Mend a Child Gets New Hospital Building Started

Our dear friends from California, who in the past 4 years built the lovely Casita Feliz where the little malnourished ones are housed at present, now have taken the initiative to begin rebuilding the new Children’s Nutritional Rehab Hospital ward.

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